Monday, April 03, 2006

Packing AGAIN?

It's been 8 months since the last time I packed up our existence. Only 8 months! How can I possibly be starting this again? And we have STUFF, man--a lot of stuff. We really down-sized with our last move, so this time may be a litte easier, not to mention there are bins and boxes that never got unpacked here because there just wasn't space. But still, here we go again.

Mark was in a frenzy over the weekend. That's what he does--during the week he has stuff on his mind so he keeps to his weekly routine, but once the bug hits on a weekend, there's no stopping him. He goes and goes and goes and asks questions about my stuff and some of his stuff and about half filled storage bins and if we can chuck this or never ends until Monday, and then I can pack peacefully. =) I just sit and play on the computer or watch a movie and go about my routine with Jake and Rory during the frenzy. It's easier that way. We both know what works for us so we stick to it.

So now it's Monday morning and I'm trying to figure out where to start...


Tara said...

Miss eastern time zone like you wouldn't believe! NYC runs the world, baby!!

Full of JOY said...

this has nothing to do with your last entry...but i can't wait til tomorrow night!! no more lisa...we continue to move on to BIGGER and better people each week!! :) whoo hoo!! i'll probably come over from work...gotta be there til 5. YEAH!

Eric said...

I don't want you to pack and I don't want you to go!! That's just my selfishness coming through...but that's how I feel!

Tara said...

Nice to know you care, Eric. We're just following the dream...