Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Last November I wrote a post called Around Town and this most delicious creamer was mentioned. (I was getting a big chuckle when re-reading the comments because they're from all our MN friends and their personalities are all evident in them...digression...) Anyway, my mom was visiting this past weekend and while we were out shopping, we spotted these in the creamer case. Our eyes got wide, I grabbed the Peppermint Mocha while she simultaneously and quickly said "GET THAT!!" How happy am I while drinking coffee this week??? PRETTY DARN!

(Side note: it might be cheesy to put this picture up, but my camera was nearby this morning, and who doesn't love a visual?)


gretchen said...

I saw it in the store the other day, too. I, however, ignored it, even though I knew all the addicts would be wanting it, but I just bought a big Hazlenut creamer, and, well, I don't drink coffee, so I don't understand.

Anyway, you make me laugh. Enjoy your coffee and your holiday creamer. Are the Christmas CD's playing yet?

Anonymous said...

Ok. . I can tell you are WAY addicted to coffee!! Little old me, way out here in Ecuador, never even HEARD of that type of creamer. You know, here in the place where they put unpasteurized milk in their coffee (its true, but there is good old creamer here too, just not peppermint and other unusual flavors). Glad your mom could visit you! How fun was that, Im sure!!

Full of JOY said...

ahhh....the goodness. i am pumped about your mug. it makes me feel connected to you b'c i see those VERY mugs ever day!!

Full of JOY said...

oh and i LOVE that mum get's JUST as excited!!!

Full of JOY said...

HAHA! i just re-read last year's is halarious! i was so giddy!! and they were all arguing...what else is new?? HAHA!