Monday, October 23, 2006

The First Snow

Today is our first snow of the season. Those who know me well know I'm having a very happy day! This blog is about the simple things in life that I love, and the first snow is the perfect example of pennies from heaven. It's only flurries and won't collect on the ground, but it's beautiful to see the snow slowly falling, and it's been coming for hours now. We're having a very cozy morning here in our homey living room. I'd love to go out and take a walk with the kiddos, but today is potty training day with Rory. Hopefully it will keep snowing so we can go out later, but if not, we'll take our annual "First Snow of the Season Walk" another day. I just can't keep putting off the potty training--priorities of life with preschoolers. This time of year keeps getting better and better...8 days til Halloween!


Full of JOY said...

you really did just count down the days until halloween. haha!! :) and i can't believe you take the kids on the first snow fall walks...that's totally gilmore!! I LOVE IT!! AND i did not know rors was ready for this big is it going?? i can't believe she's not a baby anymore. what on earth happened???

Jamie said...

Sorry Tara, but enjoy the sparce snows of Columbus. I know you and Mark don't believe me...but after spending winters in Woburn, Clarks Summit, and Minneapolis, you are going to find Columbus winters extremely mild! Regarding potty training and first snow walks, what better situation for the all important lesson of avoiding yellow snow.

Tara said...

Jamie, thanks for the laugh-out-loud comment! And I did check out Studio 60 last night and really enjoyed it.