Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Nothing Like Fresh Strawberries

I took the kids strawberry picking for the first time today. The weather was PERFECT! It's the first time we've had a cool down in weeks and it was partly sunny. I think they had a blast. It took them a few minutes to catch on to the fact that they were supposed to pick the red ones, as opposed to the many pink and white ones out there. I just kept repeating "the big red ones, guys...only the big red ones!" to remind them. We came home with two big buckets of juicy goodness. I was taking quite a stroll down memory lane while we were out there. I grew up strawberry picking because of our family business, which was a big produce stand and garden center. My mom took us to the fields all the time every June, and once I turned 13, and started working myself, I somehow became the strawberry person. I sat in those fields all day long every June, assisting customers in the Pick Your Own Strawberries field, weighing, ringing them up, etc. And when business was slow, I had to be out there myself, picking pints and quarts for the store. I didn't mind the job, unless it was blazing hot out there. But I ate to my heart's content too, which was a great perk. I did that for years. It felt great to be out there with my kids today, smelling those familiar smells, and taking that first bite of a fresh berry smack in the middle of strawberry season. Nothing like it!

Another quick memory...the small farm stand sold old fashioned candy sticks and I haven't seen those anywhere since we sold them at Spence Farm. I grew up eating those--we were only allowed to have candy on Sundays, so it was always exciting to pick out a flavor each week. They've only gone up 5 cents since the 80's. I couldn't resist taking a picture and letting my kids each pick one out to take home.


Full of JOY said...

ok. could you BE any more perfect? the perfect all american town memories, and now the perfect all american town outings?!! even down to the perfect all american candy sticks!! maybe there's a reason i don't have any kids...HAHA!! i'd be like "kids- we're goin' to the pool today. we all needs tans!!!!" HAHA!! :)

Full of JOY said...

p.s. have you ever thougt about sending in pictures of you kids to a magazine or anything?? i mean: look at these pictures!!!

gretchen said...

I love that! I am trying to grow my own strawberries in a pot and some just turned red. Anyway, your kids will love the memories...what a great mom you are!

Diana Reddy said...

Ta...the pics and everything's great....the only problem is, you can't see the BIG, RED, JUICY strawberries! I'd love to see those pics in color.