Tuesday, February 27, 2007

He will quiet you with His love

"...He will quiet you with His love..." (Zephaniah 3:17). I have never read this before. The worship leader at our new church mentioned this passage in passing on Sunday morning, and for some reason, it was like a fog horn in my head. The phrase kept repeating itself to me (I'm assuming that was the Still Small Voice, Gretchen) over and over throughout the service and the rest of the day. The rest of the verse is just as amazing as the middle phrase--"The Lord our God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." I simply cannot get enough of this right now. Isn't it the most amazing thing? I'm speechless.


Jamie said...

You just raised my spirits on a flu-ridden day Tara. Thanks.

gretchen said...

Thanks for listening to and speaking truth, Tara. You sent me write to Zephaniah to explore more.

Unknown said...

that is so awesome to see God working. thanks for sharing.

Diana Reddy said...

Praise the Lord for His Word!...and for good friends who share It.

Full of JOY said...

oh how thankful i am for HIS WORD!! that verse ROCKS. i need to write that on a 3 X 5 card. i love the part that says He delights in us- in me?! WOW...

Debbie said...

I just discovered this verse a few days ago. I have an electronic Bible on my phone, and had been searching for random words a few days before, closing the program without really looking at the last verse I came to. On Friday, I was having a really stressful day at work, so I opened my phone to look in the Bible, and up popped that verse. It was exactly what I needed. I couldn't stop reading it, over and over. I felt a huge weight lift, and my trembling heart calmed down immediately. As it turned out, everything was smoothed over with the incident at work, and something really good ended up coming out of it. I've been telling people at home and church all weekend - it's just amazing how God works!