I'm home from one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I went to Northfork, WV and worked with an organization called Mustardseeds and Moutains to do home repair and build relationships with people in that county. I'll be blogging about it all once I get home from my MN trip to visit the Millers. But I wanted to take a minute to proclaim how much I love my beautiful kids and my wonderful husband. When I walked into my house it was SPOTLESS!!! It was vacuumed, dusted, dishes done, laundry done, folded, and put away. And places that tend to collect Mark's day to day clutter were completely empty. The kids had made me cards that were set up on the dining room table. On top of it all, Mark made dinner, did the dishes, and gave the kids baths for ANOTHER night, even though I'm home now. I am so thankful for them all.
So now I'm off to visit friends and will be gone for another week, but I am saying thank you again, to the people who helped support me going on this trip. It truly was life changing and I can't wait to go back! The picture above is our team from NewLife Community Church at the house where we stayed on our trip.
7 years ago